Battle Summoner
This combatant uses his maneuvers to be a formidable foe in melee combat as well as his wild surge to summon helpers to gang up on his enemies. More »

Beastial Surge
This shifters natural psionic talent manifests physically as an ectoplasmic primal beast. More »
Feral Gish
This E6 character strives for survivability. Shifter wilder levels grant him access to the share pain, vigor, psicrystal combo for a hefty supply of temporary hit points. Wild surge helps keep power point costs down while savage renewal brings a few lost points back with each shift. More »
Steady Manifester
This manifester essentially gets three free power points added on to any manifestation. The primary use of this added fuel is efficiency: for only 1pp, she can spam energy missile to her hearts content. But don’t underestimate her power, she can also summon forth 5th level astral constructs to lay the smack down. More »